Title IX Coordinator and Rights Website Notice.pdf
Title IV: Filing a Complaint
Title IX Policy.pdf
Title IV: Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, & Bullying
Title IX Cyberbullying Social Media Website Notice.pdf
Title IV: Cyberbullying & Social Media
Student Wellness Policy 2023 revision.docx.pdf
School Wellness Policy
& Assessment Tool
Public recommendations for our school wellness policy are welcome.
Please email: thart@integritycharterschool.net
2022-23 Assessment of Implnt. LSWP evaluation (1).docx
School Wellness Evaluation
parent involvement policy integrity charter.docx
TITLE I: Parent Involvement Policy
After school plan Revision 2020-2024 (2).docx
After School Education & Safety
Safe reopening Plan 2021-2022.docx.pdf
2021-2022 Covid-19 Plan
COVID 24-25 Handbook.docx.pdf
2024-2025 Covid-19 Info.
Complaint form 20-21.pdf
Complaint form
Elementary & Secondary Emergency
Child Find website.docx.pdf